I met my friend Julia the other day. A bump-in-you in the street kind of experience. She was B.E.A.M.I.N.G (I even thought for a moment she was pregnant but as it turned out, she was not). I study people’s behaviours and beliefs and how to change them, so of course, I asked her: ‘what’s up?… Continue reading Smarter Decision Making
Your Memory
It is a well known fact to any student of NLP that our memory is selective. Imagine the number of things that happen to you each day, imagine the number of thoughts you have each day (mind-boggling, but you can always try…), the number of people you cross path with, of pieces of information that… Continue reading Your Memory
Misconceptions About Hypnosis
A friend asked me about Hypnosis the other day and I thought that, considering the popularity of Hypnosis, it would be useful to answer a few common questions and clear a few widely spread misconceptions about this extremely effective tool for change. This is a copy of an article I posted in the students-only part… Continue reading Misconceptions About Hypnosis