Misconceptions About Hypnosis

A friend asked me about Hypnosis the other day and I thought that, considering the popularity of Hypnosis, it would be useful to answer a few common questions and clear a few widely spread misconceptions about this extremely effective tool for change.

This is a copy of an article I posted in the students-only part of the website.

We go through all these and more during the NLP, Coaching & Hypnosis Certification Course, check the Schedule of all courses for more info.

What is Hypnosis?
You have experienced being in a hypnotic state MANY times in your life already, even if you are new to Hypnosis.
Whenever you do something automatically, i.e. any action not requiring 100% of your conscious focus (like brushing your teeth, driving, dining alone, taking a shower etc…), you are in a state of trance, i.e. the hypnotic state. Hypnosis is a NATURAL state of mind.
There are different depths of the trance state, from light (day-dreaming) to deep (deep lethargy), but it is a fact that we are in a trance state most of the time.
During Hypnosis, the conscious mind is in a relaxed state, while the unconscious mind is opened and receptive to suggestions.

How does Hypnotherapy work?
Hypnotherapy is the use of Hypnosis during therapy or coaching, usually to change unwanted behaviours or patterns.
Outer behaviours are dictated by inner unconscious programming. Changing an outer behaviour such as over eating or smoking can only be achieved successfully by changing the inner source of the behaviour. Because hypnosis works at the source, it is widely accepted and recognised as a technique that can effectively assist people create lasting change at the deep Unconscious level.

What is the Unconscious Mind?
The Unconscious Mind quite simply, is that part of you that you are not aware of right now.
We are only aware of an infinitesimal part of what we do and think everyday. A huge part of who we are is left outside of our conscious awareness, and this is the unconscious mind.
The unconscious mind runs and preserves our body (you do not have to think about flowing your blood or breathing, so you can focus on other things) and it holds, organizes our memories, buries them and presents them to our awareness when we are ready.
Example: say your phone number. Where was this information before you were asked to say it? In your unconscious mind.
A question that comes back quite often: “Is the Subconscious Mind the same thing as the Unconscious Mind?” Yes. I just prefer to use the term ‘unconscious’ because ‘sub’ means ‘under’ and I prefer not to restrict the unconscious mind spatially.

Is Hypnosis safe?
Hypnosis is nothing more than a state of deep relaxation coupled with heightened awareness that we call ‘trance’. In that state, people by-pass the critical faculty of the conscious mind to access the depth of the unconscious mind (i.e. the part of you that you are not conscious about right now). There are contra-indications to Hypnosis (i.e. specific situations when you would not want to hypnotize someone), and you will learn them during the course.

What does it feel like?
This is one of the most enduring misconceptions about Hypnosis. Some people believe that they will be asleep or anesthetized under Hypnosis, or that they will experience something noticeably spectacular.
Sometimes, after a session, people think they have not been hypnotized because they could hear everything that the hypnotherapist said.
It is NOT the case, quite the contrary. Most people experience their first experience with Hypnosis as a state of comfortable relaxation. While the conscious mind is relaxed, the unconscious mind is wide-awake.

Can you remain ‘stuck’ in trance and never come back?
Ah! Wish for it! It would be a really nice place to be. 🙂 The answer is no, you can’t remain stuck in a trance. Hypnosis is a state of focused attention; you can change the focus of your attention anytime you want.

Can someone hypnotize me against my will?
Hollywood has not helped with this misconception. Remember the movies where an evil looking hypnotist sways a pendulum in front of the hero’s eyes to hypnotize him?
Well, this is Hollywood, not reality.
No one can make you do ANYTHING you do not want.
I had a first hand experience of this once when a friend was doing a hypnosis session on me. We were well into the session and I was in a medium to deep trance when he suddenly asked me to see myself in a boat on a lake. I did not like being there, I did not feel safe. I opened my eyes right away and told him so. He simply changed the image and we continued the session quite happily.

Can someone control me through Hypnosis?
A common question is: “Can someone hypnotise me and make me do something I do not want?”
Do we give up control of our minds during a movie? When is the last time you got so involved during a movie or TV show that you actually felt emotion? You were literally in a hypnotic trance, although you still have the power to emerge from that state if desired. Your mind may be guided by a movie, TV show, self-hypnosis tape, or Hypnotherapist, but you still have the power to resist.
Nobody can make you do things that are contrary to your ethic and your beliefs. One of the prime directives of the unconscious mind is to keep you safe. You always remain in control of how deep you want to go.

Can someone make me reveal secrets under Hypnosis?
False! You can lie while under Hypnosis just as well as when you are not under Hypnosis. Hypnosis has nothing to do with truth and lies.

What is Clinical Hypnosis?
Clinical Hypnosis is the use of hypnosis as a tool to help clients access and communicate with their unconscious mind where all our deeply ingrained habits and patterns are imprinted.
Clinical Hypnosis is a therapeutic process designed to create a state of deep relaxation and therefore of heightened consciousness. This allows the creative parts of the brain to play with the suggested images, open to new visual, auditory, kinesthetic and intuitive perceptions and therefore new possibilities, which, in turn, stimulate change.

Hypnosis is magic.
No. The Hypnotherapist does not DO something to his/her client, he/she works WITH the client, it is a collaborative process. Remember, nobody can make you do something against your will, so ultimately, change only happens with the client’s cooperation.

What can Hypnosis help me with?
Hypnosis is a scientifically verified and effective technique that promotes accelerated human change. It has been used successfully to help with changing ingrained habits. With Clinical Hypnosis, we can create desired changes in behaviour and encourage mental and physical well being. It is widely used for:
– Weight loss
– Quitting smoking
– But also for all individuals seeking to create positive thoughts and convert these positive thoughts into positive change in their lives.

Can I hypnotize myself?
Yes. It is called ‘self-hypnosis’ whereby someone gives suggestion to her/himself. Frankly, we do this ALL THE TIME but without calling it Hypnosis. You will learn how to do this during the Certification course.

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