It is a well known fact to any student of NLP that our memory is selective. Imagine the number of things that happen to you each day, imagine the number of thoughts you have each day (mind-boggling, but you can always try…), the number of people you cross path with, of pieces of information that comes at you. We EXPERIENCE all these in the moment (i.e. ‘now’) but what do we remember?
Well, if you consider that for each 2 millions bits of information that comes to us every second, the human nervous system can only consciously remmemer 134, the answer is… very little!
That’s all very good and very interesting, and the question is: ‘Why should I care?”
The reason why you should care really is because it will make a difference between a miserable you and a happy you, as Daniel Kahneman, the founder of Behavioural Economics, will explain in this TED video : “The Riddle of Experience vs. Memory”. We’ll post more on that (Behavioural Economics is a new science where Economics meets Psychology, fascinating insights into the human psyche with critical practical consequences when you run a business, are in a relationship, deal with people, and generally live your social life), but for the time being, just watch this 18mn video. I know 18 minutes is like a lifetime nowadays, but I promise those will bear results later on.